Hairfall- Symptoms ,Causes treatment and Prevention


Hair is such one thing which tends to change the appearance of one's personality. Although Hair on the body and head are for the protection. The hair on the head protects us from the harsh weather,  sunlight and injury. Hair on the body protects the outer covering of the body from dirt, sweat, injury and infections. Hair on the genital parts protects us from STI and infections.

These hair get their nutrition from the blood supply. That clearly means , the growth of the hair depends upon the nutrition in the blood.


Types of Hairfall


As told earlier, Hair growth is majorly depended on nutrition of the body. Commonly people tend to loose around 45-65 hair strands per day, which is very normal and mostly people don't notice this.


But if it more than 100 strands , we term it as “Hairfall” and at this stage one starts noticing. You can see hair in your comb. This happens due to stress or poor diet.


If this exceeds to 150-200 or more than this you suffer from “excessive Hairfall”. This is visible in your comb, bathroom, pillow, bed, and floor. This happens mostly  due to nutritional deficiency or sudden change in lifestyle, climate, environment.


Loosing more than 250 hair strands per day comes under “ Severe Hairfall “ which mostly happens due to underlying illness, disease, infection medications. This condition not only causes physical trauma but mental and emotional too.


Now we will discuss what are the types/ patterns of Hairloss.


  • Thinning of hair from top- in this is the most common type of hair loss. It is mostly due to aging affect. In males the hairline on the forehead receds whereas in female their partition becomes broad.


  • Circular bald spots( alopecia erecta)- one may loose hair in a circular pattern from the scalp, eyebrow, beard or skin. This can be due to genetics, infection , medicinal side-effects or some unknown causes.


  • Severe Hairfall- this happens with almost everyone atleast ones in a life time. And it is majorly due to nutritional deficiencies.


  • Full body Hairloss- this is caused due to high grade medicines or chemical procedures like chemotherapy in case of cancer.


Causes of Hairfall


The causes of Hairfall can be more than 100. But being precise, we have mentioned some important causes of Hairfall below.

Let's check them.

  • Aging - this is one of the unavoidable cause of thinning of hairline and loosing hair.


  Re-growth is not possible, but nowadays people have options like hair transplant.


  • Hair Treatments - now a days hair treatments are being done in beauty salons, instead of hospitals/ hair clinics . And having frizzy, rough, natural hair is considered “problem” People especially the females are taking keratin treatment, smoothening and straightening hair, where massive amount of harsh chemicals are used. This not only causes severe hair loss but it damages the hair completely.


Re-growth is possible in this case but one has to stop the hair treatments and have a proper course of medicine.


  • Medications - some medicine can have bad impact on the scalp and hair growth. We also cannot ignore the side effects of few medicines. Sometimes the Hairloss is patchy ( alopecia) and sometimes it is overall from the whole body.


But in majority cases re-growth is possible by ammelorting the effects of medicine.


  • Auto- immune disease- Alopecia erecta happens when body's own immune system attacks the hair follicles.


Although re-growth  is possible in this case.


  • Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy- cancer treatment including chemotherapy causes the loss of hair from the whole body.


Re-growth although starts happening with few months of the therapy sessions.


  • Climate - sudden change in environment, temperature, climate , or water can cause Hairfall


Re-growth usually starts ones the body adapts itself with the environment.


  • Hormonal Imbalance - this is nowadays more common cause of Hairfall. The imbalance in specially hormones like estrogen, progesterone, insulin , and Thyroid is affecting the growth of hair. In many females unwanted hair on body and face is also a matter of concern, whereas few males are seen to have Hairloss from chest, face and genitalia due to increase in estrogen hormone.


Re-growth is possible through hormonal therapy.


  • Sexually Transmitted Disease - STD like gonorheaa, syphilis, genital herpes etc also cause patchy Hairloss from the scalp, eyebrows ,beard, genitalia etc. This happens mostly when the Sexually Transmitted infection is left untreated or not completely treated.


Re-growth is possible after the complete treatment of STI


  • Nutritional deficiencies - the biggest cause of Hairfall is this. The lack of nutrients like biotin, zinc, iron, protein and calcium can lead to Hairfall from excessive to severe.


Whenever,a person notices Hairfall, the first thing which he should do is to improve diet and get the Nutritional deficiency test done.


Re growth is possibly improving diet.


  • Infection - infections like Psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, dandruff etc can also cause Hairloss.


Re-growth - Although if this is not treated timely the complete reversal of hair is not possible especially when infection happens in adults.


  • Poor hair care- If one is not taking a proper care of hair and scalp, it can be a leading ause of Hairfall. Timely massaging scalp, oiling , combing and washing are important.


Along with this too much use of heating objects or washing with too hot or cold cold water can also cause Hairfall.


Re-growth is possible by maintain a healthy haircare routine.


  • Hairstyles - tieing the hair too tightly or keeping it too loose can also cause Hairfall. Too loose hair tend to absorb more dirt and moisture whereas too tightly tied hair exerts pressure on the hair follicles and makes them weak.


Re-growth is possible by changing hairstyle


Treatment of Hairfall


The treatment depends on the cause of Hairfall.


Sometimes, a person does not work on the maintaining cause of Hairloss and takes medicine after medicine noticing no significant change . So one must remove the maintaining cause first.


You can do the following things :


  • Diagnosis - it's better to check on the nutritional deficiencies through blood serum test, pull test, scalp biopsy and light microscopy.


Once the cause is clear then it's easy to treat Hairfall.


  • Correcting nutritional deficiencies - one can take biotin, calcium ,zinc supplements to improve the deficiency.
  • Medications - medicines like minoxidil , finasteriode etc can be given by your dermat depending on the cause.
  • Hair transplant - this is the ultimate option when you don't have the re-growth chances. This mostly happens in adults when the hair follicles are too much damaged or its the genetic cause.
  • Natural ways to treat Hairfall -


Firstly, we should go with natural ways / home remedies to treat Hairfall. In this you may follow them:


  1. Regular washing, massaging and oiling scalp
  2. Using oil like coconut and olive oil
  3. Including amla( gooseberry), carrot , beetroot in diet
  4. Vitamin C intake is equally important and one should not ignore this.
  5. Curry leaves also have the ability to reduce Hairfall.
  6. Not using heating instrument.
  7. Avoid hair treatments like keratin, smoothening or straightening of hair.
  8. Avoid colouring or bleaching your hair.
  9. Avoid too tight hairstyle
  10. Avoid keeping hair loose all the time.

Hair Patch- Now days most of the people are using hair patches. The hair patch is like a piece of cloth which has hair and on the inner glue is there. This patch is fixed on the already cleaned and shaved scalp. This is kind of wig but very different from hair wig.

The hair wigs have the tendency to fall out and make people uncomfortable. Whereas the patches does not fall. They are just like the real hair. It is easy to clean and wash them . Although a regular servicing in a month is required to maintain the quality of the hair patch.

Most of the people are using hair patches these days as they are chemical free and does not have any side effects like in hair transplant.

Hair is equally important as your health . And Hairfall is the first sign of most of the deficiencies and hormonal problems. It is said that whenever our body becomes ill or tend to become ill the first sign to notice is the Hairfall.


Dr. Beauty Gupta

Published At: May 10, 2024

Updated At: May 15, 2024

Tips for Cracked Lips in Winter!

Here are some of the things you can do to keep your lips soft and smooth in winter:Use a lip balm or ointment that contains natural ingredients, such as beeswax, shea butter, or petrolatum. These ingredients can moisturize and protect your lips from cracking and peeling.Avoid products that contain irritating ingredients, such as camphor, menthol, or alcohol. Use a lip balm with SPF 30 or higher to protect your lips from sun damage. The sun can burn and dry out your lips, even in winter.Look for a lip balm that contains titanium dioxide or zinc oxide, which are sun-protective ingredients. Reapply the lip balm every two hours while outdoors.Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Dehydration can cause your lips to lose moisture and become dry and chapped. Avoid licking, biting, or picking at your lips.These habits can damage the skin barrier and make your lips more prone to drying and cracking. They can also introduce bacteria and cause infections.If you feel the urge to lick your lips, apply some lip balm instead. Exfoliate your lips gently once a week to remove dead skin cells. You can use a soft toothbrush, a washcloth, or a homemade lip scrub made with sugar and honey.Rub your lips gently in circular motions, then rinse with warm water and apply some lip balm. Do not exfoliate your lips if they are bleeding or infected.Disclaimer:-This information is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment.Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:…

का राउर खानपान राउर सोरायसिस के अउरी खराब कर रहल बा?

"का रउवा जानत बानी कि आपके खानपान से आपके त्वचा के स्वास्थ्य प असर पड़ सकता, खास तौर प जदी आपके सोरायसिस बा? सोरायसिस त्वचा के एगो पुरान स्थिति ह जवना के चलते प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली के खराबी के चलते लाल रंग के धब्बा अवुरी सूजन हो सकता। कई गो सोरायसिस के मरीज सोरायटिक गठिया से भी पीड़ित होलें, जेकरा चलते पहिले से जटिल स्थिति में जोड़ सभ में दर्द, सूजन आ थकान बढ़ जाला। खासतौर पर पश्चिमी आहार से माइक्रोबियल कामकाज में बाधा आ सके ला, आंत में सूजन हो सके ला आ सोरायसिस के लच्छन बिगड़ सके ला। शोधकर्ता माउस मॉडल के इस्तेमाल क के आंत के माइक्रोबायोटा अवुरी त्वचा अवुरी जोड़ के सूजन प पश्चिमी आहार के प्रभाव के बीच संबंध के जांच कईले। ओह लोग के पता चलल कि अल्पकालिक पश्चिमी आहार से माइक्रोबियल असंतुलन हो जाला आ सोरायसिस जइसन त्वचा के सूजन के संभावना बढ़ जाला. एकर समर्थन एह अवलोकन से भइल कि पश्चिमी आहार अपनावे के कुछ समय बाद आंत में बैक्टीरिया के संतुलन बिगड़ गइल जवना से सोरायटिक त्वचा आ जोड़न के सूजन अउरी खराब हो गइल. हालांकि, एही शोध में इहो पावल गईल कि संतुलित आहार से पश्चिमी आहार के शरीर प होखेवाला नकारात्मक प्रभाव के कम करे में मदद मिल सकता। शोधकर्ता सोरायसिस निहन लक्षण वाला चूहा प संतुलित आहार के प्रभाव के अध्ययन कईले। छह हफ्ता तक पश्चिमी आहार के बाद चूहा के दु समूह में बांटल गईल - एगो पश्चिमी आहार प जारी रहल, जबकि दूसरा संतुलित आहार प बदल गईल। अध्ययन में पाता चलल कि पश्चिमी आहार लेवे वाला चूहा में त्वचा अवुरी जोड़ में सूजन होखेला, जबकि संतुलित आहार लेवे वाला चूहा में लक्षण कम देखाई देलस। एह से पता चले ला कि आहार में बदलाव से सोरायटिक त्वचा आ जोड़ के मुद्दा वाला ब्यक्ति सभ के स्वस्थ आहार पैटर्न अपना के अपना स्थिति के प्रबंधन करे में मदद मिल सके ला। त, जदी आपके सोरायसिस बा त आपके आंत के माइक्रोबायोटा अवुरी अंत में आपके त्वचा के स्वास्थ्य प आपके आहार के असर प विचार कईल लायक बा। स्वस्थ आहार के चुनाव क के आप संभावित रूप से अपना सोरायसिस के लक्षण के गंभीरता के कम क सकतानी।" Disclaimer:-This information is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment.Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki. Find us at:

Benefits of Cherries: Radiant Skin and Glossy Hair

Are you looking for a natural way to improve the health of your hair and skin?Look no further than cherries! These delicious fruits are packed with vitamins and antioxidants that can help you achieve a radiant complexion and glossy locks. Vitamins A and C, which are abundant in cherries, are essential for healthy hair.Vitamin A helps produce an oily substance called sebum that keeps hair moisturized and shiny, while vitamin C is necessary for hair growth and strength.Cherries are also a great source of biotin, a B vitamin that promotes healthy hair growth and prevents hair loss. But that's not all. Eating cherries or applying cherry juice to your scalp can improve blood circulation, stimulating hair growth.And the antioxidants in cherries protect your hair from environmental damage caused by pollution and UV radiation.Want to try using cherries in your hair care routine? You can make a hair mask by blending fresh cherries into a puree and applying it to your hair and scalp. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water and shampoo as usual.Alternatively, you can use cherry juice as a final rinse after shampooing to add shine and nourishment to your hair. So what are you waiting for? Incorporating cherries into your diet can help you achieve healthy hair and radiant skin.Disclaimer:- This information is intended to supplement, not substitute, advice from your healthcare provider or doctor. It does not cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions, or side effects, and may not be appropriate for your specific healthcare needs. Always consult with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider before modifying or discontinuing any prescribed portion of your healthcare plan or treatment, in order to determine the best course of therapy for you. Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:

Why sunflower seeds are a must-have for your skin and hair!

Sunflower seeds are not only a popular snack but also a powerhouse of nutrients that can benefit your skin and hair. They are rich in vitamin E, which is known for its antioxidant properties and ability to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin E also helps to improve the texture of your hair, making it shiny and healthy. In addition to vitamin E, sunflower seeds also contain essential fatty acids, including omega-6, which can help to moisturize and nourish the skin and hair. These fatty acids are also necessary for maintaining healthy cell membranes and promoting healthy hair growth. Sunflower seeds are also a good source of protein, which is essential for building and repairing tissues in the body, including the skin and hair. They also contain zinc, which can help to prevent hair loss and promote healthy scalp. Incorporating sunflower seeds into your diet can be as simple as adding them to your salads, smoothies, or snacks. So, if you want to promote healthy skin and hair, make sure to include these nutrient-dense seeds in your diet today! Disclaimer:- This information is intended to supplement, not substitute, advice from your healthcare provider or doctor. It does not cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions, or side effects, and may not be appropriate for your specific healthcare needs. Always consult with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider before modifying or discontinuing any prescribed portion of your healthcare plan or treatment, in order to determine the best course of therapy for you. Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki. Find us at:

Is Your Oily Skin Ruining Your Makeup? Here's the Fix!

Do you have oily skin that's making it difficult for you to keep your makeup looking fresh all day long? Don't worry, you're not alone, and there are ways to fix it.First, it's important to understand why your skin is oily. Oily skin is caused by an overproduction of sebum, a natural oil that helps keep your skin moisturized. However, too much sebum can lead to clogged pores, acne, and, of course, makeup that doesn't stay put.One way to combat oily skin is to use a mattifying primer before applying your makeup. This will help to absorb excess oil and prevent your makeup from sliding off your face.Another tip is to use oil-free or water-based makeup products, as these are less likely to clog your pores and contribute to oiliness.You can also try setting your makeup with a translucent powder, which will help to absorb any excess oil throughout the day and keep your face looking fresh.Lastly, don't forget to cleanse your face thoroughly at the end of the day to remove any buildup of oil and makeup. Use a gentle cleanser that won't strip your skin of its natural oils.By following these tips, you can keep your oily skin under control and enjoy flawless makeup all day long. Thanks for watching and stay tuned for more skincare tips!Disclaimer:- This information is intended to supplement, not substitute, advice from your healthcare provider or doctor. It does not cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions, or side effects, and may not be appropriate for your specific healthcare needs. Always consult with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider before modifying or discontinuing any prescribed portion of your healthcare plan or treatment, in order to determine the best course of therapy for you. Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:

Get Glowing skin With Castor Oil.

Are you tired of trying different skincare products with no visible results? Look no further, because castor oil might be the solution to your problems.Castor oil is a natural oil derived from the seeds of the castor plant. It's rich in fatty acids and has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. These properties make it an ideal ingredient for skincare.Not only does castor oil hydrate the skin, but it also helps improve complexion by reducing acne and dark spots. Its fatty acids penetrate deep into the skin, providing intense hydration without clogging pores. This makes it suitable for all skin types, including oily and acne-prone skin.To use castor oil for your skincare routine, simply massage a few drops onto your face before bed. You can also mix it with other oils or use it as a cleanser.In conclusion, castor oil is an affordable and effective solution for glowing skin. Give it a try and see the difference for yourself.Disclaimer:- This information is intended to supplement, not substitute, advice from your healthcare provider or doctor. It does not cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions, or side effects, and may not be appropriate for your specific healthcare needs. Always consult with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider before modifying or discontinuing any prescribed portion of your healthcare plan or treatment, in order to determine the best course of therapy for you. Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:

Top Benefits of Kojic Acid for Flawless Skin

Kojic acid is primarily used in the skincare industry for its skin-lightening and brightening properties. Here are some common uses and applications of kojic acid:Hyperpigmentation: Kojic acid is often used to address hyperpigmentation issues such as dark spots, age spots, melasma, freckles, and uneven skin tone. It inhibits the production of melanin, which can help fade and reduce the visibility of these pigmentation concerns.Skin Lightening: Due to its ability to suppress melanin synthesis, kojic acid is used in skin-lightening products to achieve a more even complexion. It can be beneficial for individuals with naturally darker skin tones who desire a brighter or more uniform skin tone.Acne Scarring: Kojic acid is sometimes incorporated into skincare products designed to minimize the appearance of acne scars and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. It helps fade the discoloration left behind by acne breakouts, promoting a more even skin tone. Anti-Aging: As an antioxidant, kojic acid can help combat free radicals and reduce oxidative stress on the skin. This property makes it useful in anti-aging products, as it can help reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging.Skincare Products: Kojic acid can be found in various skincare formulations, including serums, creams, lotions, masks, and soaps. These products may be used as part of a daily skincare routine or as targeted treatments for specific skin concerns Kojic acid is a natural compound used in skincare to lighten skin, fade dark spots, and reduce hyperpigmentation, providing a promising option for improvingskinappearanceDisclaimer:- This information is intended to supplement, not substitute, advice from your healthcare provider or doctor. It does not cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions, or side effects, and may not be appropriate for your specific healthcare needs. Always consult with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider before modifying or discontinuing any prescribed portion of your healthcare plan or treatment, in order to determine the best course of therapy for you. Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:

What's Causing Your Skin Rash!

Skin rash is a common skin condition that can occur due to many reasons. It can be caused by an allergic reaction, infection, autoimmune disease, or even stress. In this video, we will discuss the process that occurs inside the body that leads to a skin rash.The SkinBefore we dive into the causes of skin rash, let's first understand the structure of the skin. The skin is the largest organ in the body, and it is composed of three layers: the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue. The epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin, and it acts as a protective barrier against environmental factors such as bacteria, viruses, and UV radiation.The ProcessWhen a skin rash occurs, it means that something is irritating or inflaming the skin. The body responds to this irritation by releasing chemicals such as histamine, which causes the blood vessels in the affected area to dilate. This dilation allows more blood to flow to the affected area, which leads to redness and swelling.If the irritation is caused by an allergen, the immune system will release antibodies to fight off the allergen. This immune response can cause a more severe reaction, such as hives or eczema.In some cases, a skin rash can be caused by an infection. For example, a fungal infection can cause a red, itchy, and scaly rash. Bacterial infections can cause a more severe reaction, such as impetigo or cellulitis.Autoimmune diseases, such as lupus or psoriasis, can also cause skin rashes. These diseases occur when the immune system attacks healthy cells in the body, including those in the skin. Finally, stress can also trigger a skin rash.When the body is under stress, it releases cortisol, a hormone that can cause inflammation. This inflammation can lead to a skin rash.Thankyou for watching!Disclaimer:- This information is intended to supplement, not substitute, advice from your healthcare provider or doctor. It does not cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions, or side effects, and may not be appropriate for your specific healthcare needs. Always consult with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider before modifying or discontinuing any prescribed portion of your healthcare plan or treatment, in order to determine the best course of therapy for you. Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:

Get Radiant Skin With Avocado.

Avocado is not only a delicious fruit but also a great ingredient for your skincare routine. Packed with vitamins E, C, and antioxidants, avocado is excellent for moisturizing and nourishing your skin. Here are some tips on how to use avocado for radiant skin:1. Avocado Face Mask: Mix mashed avocado with honey and apply it to your face. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. This mask will leave your skin feeling smooth and refreshed.2. Avocado Body Scrub: Combine mashed avocado with sugar and use it as a body scrub to exfoliate dead skin cells. Rinse it off with warm water, and your skin will feel soft and silky.3. Avocado Eye Cream: Mix mashed avocado with aloe vera gel and apply it under your eyes. This cream will reduce puffiness and dark circles, leaving your eyes looking brighter and more awake.4. Avocado Hair Mask: Mix mashed avocado with coconut oil and apply it to your hair. Leave it on for 30 minutes, then rinse it off with shampoo and conditioner. This mask will nourish and moisturize your hair, leaving it shiny and healthy.Incorporating avocado into your skincare routine is an easy and natural way to achieve radiant skin. Give it a try and see the difference for yourself!Disclaimer:- This information is intended to supplement, not substitute, advice from your healthcare provider or doctor. It does not cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions, or side effects, and may not be appropriate for your specific healthcare needs. Always consult with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider before modifying or discontinuing any prescribed portion of your healthcare plan or treatment, in order to determine the best course of therapy for you. Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:

From Acne to Wrinkles: How Castor Oil Can Transform Your Skin!

Are you tired of using expensive skincare products that promise to transform your skin, but fail to deliver the desired results? Look no further than castor oil – a natural and affordable alternative that can work wonders for your skin!Castor oil is rich in fatty acids, Vitamin E, and minerals that can nourish and hydrate your skin. It can help treat a variety of skin issues, from acne to wrinkles.If you suffer from acne-prone skin, castor oil can be your savior. Its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties can help fight acne-causing bacteria and reduce inflammation. Simply apply a small amount of castor oil to your face and gently massage it in.Castor oil can also help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Its high concentration of fatty acids can help stimulate the production of collagen, which helps keep your skin firm and smooth. Apply a few drops of castor oil to your face before bed to wake up with glowing, youthful skin.In addition to its skincare benefits, castor oil can also be used to promote hair growth, relieve constipation, and soothe sore muscles.So, if you want to transform your skin without breaking the bank, try incorporating castor oil into your skincare routine. Your skin will thank you!Disclaimer:- This information is intended to supplement, not substitute, advice from your healthcare provider or doctor. It does not cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions, or side effects, and may not be appropriate for your specific healthcare needs. Always consult with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider before modifying or discontinuing any prescribed portion of your healthcare plan or treatment, in order to determine the best course of therapy for you. Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:

Cooling Sunburn: How to Use Cold Compresses and Showers to Soothe Your Skin

Summer is here and with it comes the risk of sunburn. The good news is that you can soothe your skin with cold compresses and showers.Cold compresses are a quick and easy way to relieve sunburn pain and reduce inflammation. Simply soak a clean cloth in cold water and apply it to the affected area for 15-20 minutes at a time. You can also add a cup of apple cider vinegar to the water for added relief.Taking a cool shower is another great way to cool down sunburned skin. Avoid hot water and harsh soaps, as they can further irritate your skin. Instead, use a gentle, fragrance-free soap and cool water to soothe your skin.After your shower, pat your skin dry with a towel and apply aloe vera gel or a moisturizer to help your skin heal. It's also important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and avoiding alcohol and caffeine, as they can dehydrate your skin.In conclusion, if you find yourself with a sunburn this summer, remember to use cold compresses and showers to soothe your skin. With a little bit of care and attention, your sunburn will heal in no time.Disclaimer:- This information is intended to supplement, not substitute, advice from your healthcare provider or doctor. It does not cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions, or side effects, and may not be appropriate for your specific healthcare needs. Always consult with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider before modifying or discontinuing any prescribed portion of your healthcare plan or treatment, in order to determine the best course of therapy for you. Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at: