सर्दी के 7 साधारण घरेलू उपाय!

  • कुछ उपाय बा जवन प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली के बढ़ावे, सूजन के कम करे, अवुरी नाक के भीड़ अवुरी गला में खराश जईसन लक्षण से राहत देके काम करेला। 

सर्दी के कुछ प्राकृतिक उपाय में शामिल बा:


1. विटामिन सी : जबकि इ सर्दी से बचाव ना करेला, लेकिन कुछ अध्ययन से पता चलता कि विटामिन सी सर्दी के अवधि के कम क सकता अवुरी प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली के बढ़ावेला।
2. एल्डरबेरी : एकर इस्तेमाल सर्दी, साइनस के संक्रमण, अवुरी फ्लू के लोक उपाय के रूप में कईल गईल बा। एल्डरबेरी के अर्क के एगो विशिष्ट फॉर्मूलेशन 3 दिन तक लेवे से फ्लू के लक्षण के अवधि में कटौती हो सकता।
3. जिनसेंग : इ प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली के बढ़ावेला अवुरी सर्दी अवुरी फ्लू के रोके चाहे इलाज में मदद क सकता। एकरा से सर्दी भा फ्लू के खतरा कम हो सकेला आ लक्षण कम हो सकेला.
4. गरम तरल पदार्थ : चाय चाहे चिकन सूप जईसन गरम तरल पदार्थ नाक के भीड़ से राहत देवे अवुरी नाक के लाइन में लागल असहज रूप से सूजन वाला झिल्ली के शांत करे खाती खास तौर प निमन होखेला।
5. भाप से भरल शावर : भाप से भरल शावर से मिलेवाला गर्मी अवुरी नमी आपके नाक के रास्ता के नमी दे सकता अवुरी आराम करे में मदद क सकता।
6. गरम नमकीन पानी के गार्गल कईल : गरम नमकीन पानी के गार्गल कईला से गला में खराश से राहत मिल सकता।
7. नींद : सर्दी अवुरी फ्लू के दौरान भरपूर आराम कईल जरूरी बा, काहेंकी एकरा से आपके प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली के वायरस अवुरी बैक्टीरिया के भगावे खाती सबसे निमन तरीका से काम करे में मदद मिलेला।


Source:-Mammari, N., Albert, Q., Devocelle, M., Kenda, M., Kočevar Glavač, N., Sollner Dolenc, M., Mercolini, L., Tóth, J., Milan, N., Czigle, S., Varbanov, M., & On Behalf Of The Oemonom (2023). Natural Products for the Prevention and Treatment of Common Cold and Viral Respiratory Infections. Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland), 16(5), 662. https://doi.org/10.3390/ph16050662


Disclaimer:-This information is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment.Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.


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चिकनगुनिया के लिए टोप 7 घरेलू उपचार!

पपीते की पत्तियां: ये पत्तियां दाने और जोड़ों के दर्द में मदद कर सकती हैं। आप एक सप्ताह तक रोजाना तीन बार ताजा पपीते की पत्तियों से बना रस पी सकते हैं। या, जैसा कि आपके डॉक्टर सुझाव देते हैं, पपीते से बने उत्पादों का उपयोग करें।तुलसी के पत्ते: तुलसी आपकी प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली के लिए अच्छी है। दिन में दो बार कुछ पत्तियां चबाएं या तुलसी की चाय पिएं। चाय में शहद मिलाना भी अच्छा रहता है।लहसुन: लहसुन जोड़ों के दर्द और सूजन को कम कर सकता है। थोड़े से लहसुन को तेल में पकाकर दर्द वाले जोड़ों पर मलें। अधिक लहसुन खाने या पूरक आहार लेने से भी मदद मिल सकती है, लेकिन पहले अपने डॉक्टर से पूछें।हल्दी: यह मसाला सूजन और उपचार में मदद करता है। गर्म दूध में हल्दी पाउडर मिलाकर दिन में दो बार पियें। आप अपने जोड़ों पर हल्दी का पेस्ट भी लगा सकते हैं।अदरक: अदरक की चाय सूजन और दर्द को कम कर सकती है। पानी में अदरक उबालें और इसमें नींबू और शहद भी मिला सकते हैं.नारियल पानी: नारियल पानी पीने से आप हाइड्रेटेड रहते हैं और बुखार और पसीने से खोए खनिजों की भरपाई होती है। यह विषाक्त पदार्थों से छुटकारा पाने में भी मदद करता है और पाचन में सुधार करता है।एप्सम सॉल्ट सोख: एप्सम सॉल्ट के साथ गर्म पानी में भिगोने से आपकी मांसपेशियों और जोड़ों को आराम मिल सकता है, जिससे दर्द और जकड़न में मदद मिलती है। राहत के लिए दिन में एक या दो बार ऐसा करें।Source:-https://www.odomosprotect.com/blog/prevent-and-treat-chikungunya-with-these-home-remediesDisclaimer:-This information is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment. Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:https://www.instagram.com/medwiki_/?h...https://twitter.com/medwiki_inchttps://www.facebook.com/medwiki.co.in/

COVID-19 Update: JN.1 Variant Alert in India | Latest Signs and Symptoms

Have you heard about the new COVID-19 variant JN.1?A recent surge in cases has led to the detection of this variant, prompting states to remain vigilant.The first case of this strain was detected in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, on 8th Dec. 2023 .This variant, a descendant of the Omicron sub-variant BA.2.86, has been classified as a 'variant of interest' by the World Health Organization.What are the Symptoms of new COVID-19 variant JN.1?Here are they few symptoms of JN.1 Variant:-feverrunny nosesore throatheadachesminor gastrointestinal issuesfatiguemuscle weakness.It is crucial to note, however, that these symptoms are not distinct from other respiratory diseases such as the flu. If a patient presents these symptoms and they are of mild nature, only symptomatic care is typically required.A critical sign to watch out for is breathlessness - a potential indication of seriousness.The risk factors for severe disease are higher in elderly individuals and those with compromised immune systems. Generally, the severity of these symptoms is mild, with most patients able to recuperate at home.Despite the potential severity of this new variant, the global public health risk from JN.1 is deemed low by the WHO. This is due to the effectiveness of vaccinations targeting the virus's spike protein against JN.1.In response to the detection of this new variant, states have been urged to increase RT-PCR tests and send positive samples for genome sequencing to INSACOG laboratories.Additionally, states have been advised to implement necessary measures for the upcoming festive season and promote respiratory hygiene to minimize transmission risk. Moreover, the active participation of public and private health facilities is crucial in this situation. States are urged to enhance their preparedness and response capacities.In conclusion, it is vital to stay informed, follow public health guidelines, report symptoms promptly, and adhere to respiratory hygiene. Together, we can tackle the challenges and keep our communities safe. Stay tuned for further updates as the situationevolves.Disclaimer:-This information is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment.Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:https://www.instagram.com/medwiki_/?h...https://twitter.com/medwiki_inchttps://www.facebook.com/medwiki.co.in/

How does the Influenza A subtype H3N2 virus spread and infect our body?

Why the flu keeps coming back every year?It's because the influenza virus is constantly mutating, making it difficult for our immune system to fight it off. In today's video, we're going to talk about one specific strain of the flu virus - Influenza A subtype H3N2.So, how does this virus transmit and cause infection in the host body?Well, the H3N2 virus spreads through respiratory droplets when an infected person sneezes or coughs. These droplets can land on surfaces or be inhaled by someone nearby, leading to infection. The virus then enters the body through the nose, mouth, or eyes, and begins to replicate in the respiratory tract.When the H3N2 virus enters the body, it attaches itself to specific cells in the respiratory tract. These cells are like the virus's key to getting inside the body. Once inside, the virus hijacks the cell's machinery to make more copies of itself. These copies are like little virus soldiers that can attack other cells in the respiratory tract. When the virus soldiers invade more and more cells, the respiratory tract becomes inflamed and irritated, causing symptoms like fever, cough, and body aches..How can you protect yourself from H3N2?The best way is by getting vaccinated every year. The flu vaccine contains a dead or weakened version of the virus, which stimulates the immune system to create antibodies against it. These antibodies can then recognize and fight off the live virus if you're exposed to it in the future.Understanding how the Influenza A subtype H3N2 virus spreads and infects our body can empower us to take better care of ourselves during flu season. By getting vaccinated, practicing good hygiene, and staying informed about the latest developments in the fight against the flu, we can protect ourselves and those around us from this constantly mutating virus. So let's take charge of our health and stay healthy! Thanks for watching. -Disclaimer:- This information is intended to supplement, not substitute, advice from your healthcare provider or doctor. It does not cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions, or side effects, and may not be appropriate for your specific healthcare needs. Always consult with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider before modifying or discontinuing any prescribed portion of your healthcare plan or treatment, in order to determine the best course of therapy for you. Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:https://www.instagram.com/medwiki_/?h...https://twitter.com/medwiki_inchttps://www.facebook.com/medwiki.co.in/

Deadly Zika Virus!

Are you familiar with it? Zika virus is a virus that is transmitted by mosquitoes, and was first discovered in the Zika Forest of Uganda in 1947. Although unknown for years, Zika virus gained global attention in 2015 due to a significant outbreak in the Americas, especially in Brazil.The outbreak was linked to an increase in babies born with microcephaly, a serious birth defect that results in abnormally small heads and underdeveloped brains.The Zika virus is mainly transmitted to humans through the bites of infected Aedes mosquitoes, particularly Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus.Apart from mosquito bites, the virus can also spread through sexual contact, blood transfusion, and from an infected mother to her baby during pregnancy or childbirth.Zika virus can be asymptomatic and mild when symptoms develop. These symptoms include fever, rash, joint pain, muscle pain, headache, and red eyes (conjunctivitis). These symptoms usually appear 2 to 7 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito and last for several days up to a week. Zika virus can have severe consequences for pregnant women and their babies, causing birth defects and neurological disorders in the baby. It has also been linked to a rare autoimmune disorder called Guillain-Barré syndrome, which can cause muscle weakness and paralysis. To prevent Zika virus infection, avoid mosquito bites by using repellent or wearing long-sleeved clothing. Stay in air-conditioned or screened-in areas.If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, postpone travel to regions with active transmission. Use condoms to prevent sexual transmission. Implement blood screening and testing to reduce the risk of transmission through blood transfusions. Stay safe and protected from the Zika virus! Source:- https://indianexpress.com/article/health-wellness/zika-virus-mumbai-what-are-signs-symptoms-and-prevention-measures-8906785/Disclaimer:-Prioritize professional medical advice. Don't delay based on Medwiki info. Visit: medwiki.co.in Disclaimer:-This information is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment.Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:https://www.instagram.com/medwiki_/?h...https://twitter.com/medwiki_inchttps://www.facebook.com/medwiki.co.in/

The H3N2 Virus : Symptoms, Treatment, and How to Avoid It?

H3N2 virus, also known as the Influenza A virus, which is a subtype of influenza virus that causes respiratory infections in humans.The main symptoms of the H3N2 virus are similar to other types of flu, including:● Fever● Cough● Sore throat● Runny or stuffy nose● Body aches● Headache● FatigueIn some cases, the H3N2 virus can lead to more severe symptoms, such as pneumonia, which can be life-threatening.Children, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems are particularly vulnerable to complications from the H3N2 virus.Here are 5 things you can do to avoid getting the H3N2 virus:1. Get an annual flu vaccine2. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water3. Avoid close contact with sick people4. Stay home from work or school if you are sick5. Use hand sanitizer and wear a mask to reduce the spread of the virus.To treat the H3N2 virus, there are several steps you can take to alleviate symptoms and feel better:1. First and foremost, it is important to rest and stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of fluids can help flush out the virus from your system and prevent dehydration.2. Over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can be helpful in reducing fever and pain associated with H3N2 virus. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider before taking any medications.3. Antiviral medications, such as oseltamivir and zanamivir, can be effective in treating H3N2 virus if they are taken within 48 hours of the first symptoms. These medications help to shorten the duration of the illness and reduce the severity of symptoms.4. In addition to medication, using a humidifier or steam can help relieve congestion and other symptoms of H3N2 virus. This can be especially helpful at night when symptoms can be more severe.Protect yourself and your loved ones from H3N2 virus by taking necessary precautions. Don't be afraid of the flu, but be proactive in preventing it. Remember to always consult a healthcare provider before taking medication and stay home if you experience symptoms.Disclaimer:- This information is intended to supplement, not substitute, advice from your healthcare provider or doctor. It does not cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions, or side effects, and may not be appropriate for your specific healthcare needs. Always consult with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider before modifying or discontinuing any prescribed portion of your healthcare plan or treatment, in order to determine the best course of therapy for you. Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:https://www.instagram.com/medwiki_/?h…https://twitter.com/medwiki_inchttps://www.facebook.com/medwiki.co.in/

کوویڈ-19 کا دل پر اثر: تنفسی چیلنجز کے علاوہ

خون_کی_رگوں_سوزش# تناو_کارڈیومائوپیتھی کوویڈ-19 کو بنیادی طور پر تنفسی مسائل سے منسلک کیا جاتا ہے، لیکن یہ دل پر بھی اثر انداز ہو سکتا ہے۔ اس کا نتیجہ ہوا کی کمی کے تخفیف میں آ سکتا ہے۔ وائرس فولادی سوزش اور ہوا کی بلبلوں میں پانی کی بڑھتی ہوئی مقدار کو بڑھاتا ہے، جس سے خون میں آکسیجن کی کمی پیدا ہوتی ہے۔ اس سے دل کو خون کو گردش دینے کے لئے زیادہ محنت کرنی پڑتی ہے، جو موجودہ دل کے امراض رکھنے والوں کے لئے خطرات پیدا کرتا ہے۔ یہ دباؤ دل کی کارکردگی کو زیادہ کام کرنے پر مجبور کرتا ہے، یا انتہائی ورزش کے باعث دل کی کارکردگی میں کمی کی بنا پر دل کی ناکامی کا سبب بن سکتا ہے، یا غیر کافی آکسیجن کی مقدار کی وجہ سے دل اور دوسرے اعضاء کے اندر خلیوں کی موت اور نسیج کو نقصان پہنچ سکتا ہے۔ اس کے علاوہ، دل کی سوزش کے طور پر جانے والی مایوکارڈائٹس بھی ایک پریشانی ہے۔ وائرس سیدھی طور پر دل کی پٹھے کی نسیوں کو زخمی کر سکتا ہے، دوسرے وائرل انفیکشنوں کی طرح۔ علاوہ سے، وائرس کے خلاف جسمانی جواب دل کو نقصان پہنچانے اور سوزش پیدا کرنے کی وجہ بن سکتا ہے۔ وائرس کا اثر رگوں اور شریانوں کی اندرونی تختیوں تک پہنچتا ہے، خون کی رگوں کی سوزش، چھوٹی رگوں کو نقصان پہنچانے، اور خون کی گٹھیوں کی شکل بنانے کا نتیجہ ہوتا ہے۔ یہ اثرات دل اور دوسرے جسمانی حصوں تک خون کی بہاؤ کو کمزور کرتے ہیں۔ وائرس خصوصی طور پر خون کی رگوں کی اندرونی تختیوں کو متاثر کرتا ہے۔ تناو کارڈیومائوپیتھی بھی ایک ممکنہ نتیجہ ہے۔ وائرسی انفیکشن اس دل کے پٹھوں کو متاثر کرنے والے مضر اثرات کو دنبال کر سکتا ہے، جو دل کی خون کو فوراً پمپ کرنے کی صلاحیت کو متاثر کرتے ہیں۔ جسمانی جواب وائرس کے خلاف استراحتی کیمیکل کی طرف موجود ہوتا ہے، جو دل کو عارضی طور پر بے ہوش کرنے کی صلاحیت رکھتے ہیں۔ ایک بار انفیکشن ختم ہونے کے بعد، تناو کم ہوتا ہے، جس سے دل کی بہالی کی اجازت ملتی ہے۔ خلاصے میں، کوویڈ-19 کا دل پر اثر آکسیجن کی فراہمی کمی، مایوکارڈائٹس، خون کی رگوں کے مسائل، اور تناو سے متعلق دل کے اشکال پر مشتمل ہوتا ہے۔ ان تبدیلیوں کو پہچاننا وائرس کے قلبی وعائی نظام پر اثرات کو سمجھنے کی اہمیت کو نشانی دیتا ہے۔Source :- 1. Press Information Bureau. (2023, December 18). Centre issues advisory to States in view of a recent upsurge in COVID-19 cases and detection of the first case of JN.1 variant in India. https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=1987840 2. https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/health/covids-jn-1-variant-in-india-top-signs-and-symptoms-to-watch-out-for-101702993664394.htmlDisclaimer:-This information is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment.Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:https://www.instagram.com/medwiki_/?h...https://medwiki.co.in/https://twitter.com/medwiki_inchttps://www.facebook.com/medwiki.co.in/

New Discovery May Lead To a Cure For Deadly Malaria Parasite

How did the study on long noncoding ribonucleic acids (lncRNAs) in Plasmodium falciparum contribute to understanding the parasite's life cycle, sexual differentiation for malaria?These follow are :-Malaria Statistics (2020):Clinical Cases: 241 millionDeaths: 627,000Key Culprit: Plasmodium falciparumVulnerable Groups: Pregnant women and young children in endemic areasResearch Focus:Objective: Understand gene expression regulation in P. falciparum lifecycle.Investigative Molecule: Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs)Connection to Diseases: LncRNAs associated with neurological disorders and cancer.Specific Study on P. falciparum LncRNAs:Targeted Aspect: Regulation of sex determination and sexual differentiation.Localization Impact: LncRNAs found in different cellular compartments.Total LncRNAs Identified: 1,768New Discoveries: 718 previously unknown lncRNAs.Role Significance: Novel lncRNAs crucial for parasite lifecycle progression.Implications of Findings:Insights Gained: Understand P. falciparum lifecycle, sexual differentiation, and gene regulation.Therapeutic Potential: Targeted strategies against P. falciparum envisioned.Goals:Halt Lifecycle Progression.Block Transmission to Mosquitoes.Prevent Malaria Spread.Researcher Outlook:Hopeful Impact: Novel insights contributing to the development of antimalarial therapies.Long-term Goal: Combat malaria by disrupting the parasite's lifecycle and transmission pathways.Sources:https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/08/230828162349.htmDisclaimer:-This information is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment. Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:https://www.instagram.com/medwiki_/?h..https://twitter.com/medwiki_inchttps://www.facebook.com/medwiki.co.in/

Disease X The Next Possible Pandemic

Disease X might sound like something out of a sci-fi movie, but it's a concept that scientists and health experts take seriously. So, what exactly is Disease X, and why should we be concerned?Disease X is a term coined by the World Health Organization (WHO) for a hypothetical, unknown pathogen that could cause a global epidemic or pandemic which could be 20 times deadlier than the COVID-19 virus. In February 2018, Disease X was added to the WHO's priority list for research and development, emphasizing its importance on a global scale.Disease X itself doesn't exist yet, but the idea represents a potential future health risks. COVID-19 is an example of how being unprepared can cause widespread illness and death.While the timing and origin of Disease X remain uncertain, experts say it's not a matter of if, but when Disease X will appear. Recent outbreaks show a growing risk, and a study suggests a 1 in 50 chance of a COVID-19-like pandemic happening every year.A new pandemic could be from Disease X or a changed germ, possibly from animals like bats. Scientists focus on the 25 virus families causing human diseases to prepare vaccines and treatments, even without knowing Disease X's details.Source:-WHO to identify pathogens that could cause future outbreaks and pandemics. (2022, February 6). WHO to identify pathogens that could cause future outbreaks and pandemics. https://www.who.int/news/item/21-11-2022-who-to-identify-pathogens-that-could-cause-future-outbreaks-and-pandemicsDisclaimer:-This information is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment.Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:https://www.instagram.com/medwiki_/?h...https://twitter.com/medwiki_inchttps://www.facebook.com/medwiki.co.in/

Measles Symptoms, Transmission, Prevention!

What is measles and How it is caused?Measles is one of the most contagious diseases caused by a virus. It spreads easily when someone with measles breathes, coughs, or sneezes. Anyone can get sick, but it's more common in children.The virus starts in the respiratory tract and then goes through the whole body. You can catch measles by being near someone with it or touching surfaces they touched. The virus stays active for up to two hours in the air or on things. If one person has measles, they can make nine out of 10 people close to them sick if they're not vaccinated.Measles symptoms show up 10-14 days after being near the virus. Early signs last 4-7 days and include:A runny nose,Cough,Red eyes, andSmall white spots inside the cheeks.A rash starts about 7-18 days later, It starts as red spots on your face, then spreads down the body. Smaller raised white spots may merge on the red rash, as it progresses. It lasts 5-6 days before fading.Measles has no cure; the virus runs its course in approximately 10 to 14 days. The measles vaccine is the most effective way to prevent the virus and ensures immunity.Source1:-Measles. (2024, February 9).Measles. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/measlesSource2:-Kondamudi NP, Waymack JR. Measles. [Updated 2023 Aug 12]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK448068/Disclaimer:-This information is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment.Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:https://www.instagram.com/medwiki_/?h...https://twitter.com/medwiki_inchttps://www.facebook.com/medwiki.co.in/

بیماری ایکس: اگلی ممکنہ وبائی بیماری

بیماری ایکس کسی سائنس فائی فلم کی طرح لگ سکتی ہے، لیکن یہ ایک ایسا تصور ہے جسے سائنسدان اور ماہرین صحت سنجیدگی سے لیتے ہیں۔ لہذا، بیماری ایکس کیا ہے، اور ہمیں کیوں فکر مند ہونا چاہئے؟بیماری ایکس ایک اصطلاح ہے جسے عالمی ادارہ صحت (ڈبلیو ایچ او) نے فرضی، نامعلوم روگزنق کے لیے وضع کیا ہے جو کووڈ 19 وائرس سے 20 گنا زیادہ مہلک عالمی وبا یا وبا کا سبب بن سکتا ہے۔ فروری 2018 میں، بیماری ایکس کو عالمی سطح پر اس کی اہمیت پر زور دیتے ہوئے، تحقیق اور ترقی کے لیے ڈبلیو ایچ او کی ترجیحی فہرست میں شامل کیا گیا۔بیماری ایکس ابھی موجود نہیں ہے، لیکن یہ خیال مستقبل میں صحت کے ممکنہ خطرات کی نمائندگی کرتا ہے۔ کووڈ 19 اس بات کی ایک مثال ہے کہ کس طرح غیر تیار رہنا بڑے پیمانے پر بیماری اور موت کا سبب بن سکتا ہے۔اگرچہ بیماری ایکس کا وقت اور اصل غیر یقینی ہے، ماہرین کا کہنا ہے کہ یہ اس بات کی نہیں ہے کہ بیماری ایکس کب ظاہر ہوگی۔ حالیہ وباء ایک بڑھتے ہوئے خطرے کو ظاہر کرتی ہے، اور ایک مطالعہ تجویز کرتا ہے کہ ہر سال کووڈ 19 جیسی وبائی بیماری کا 50 میں سے 1 امکان ہوتا ہے۔ایک نئی وبا بیماری ایکس یا تبدیل شدہ جراثیم سے ہو سکتی ہے، ممکنہ طور پر چمگادڑوں جیسے جانوروں سے۔ سائنسدانوں نے 25 وائرس خاندانوں پر توجہ مرکوز کی ہے جو انسانی بیماریوں کا باعث بنتے ہیں، یہاں تک کہ بیماری ایکس کی تفصیلات کو جانے بغیر بھی ویکسین اور علاج تیار کرتے ہیں۔Source:-WHO to identify pathogens that could cause future outbreaks and pandemics. (2022, February 6). WHO to identify pathogens that could cause future outbreaks and pandemics. https://www.who.int/news/item/21-11-2022-who-to-identify-pathogens-that-could-cause-future-outbreaks-and-pandemicsDisclaimer:-This information is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment.Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:https://www.instagram.com/medwiki_/?h…https://twitter.com/medwiki_inchttps://www.facebook.com/medwiki.co.in/

Disease एक्स अगली संभावित महामारी

डिजीज एक्स सुनने में किसी sci-fi फिल्म जैसा लग सकता है, लेकिन यह एक ऐसी अवधारणा है जिसे वैज्ञानिक और स्वास्थ्य विशेषज्ञ गंभीरता से लेते हैं। तो, वास्तव में रोग एक्स क्या है, और हमें चिंतित क्यों होना चाहिए?डिजीज एक्स विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (डब्ल्यूएचओ) द्वारा एक काल्पनिक, अज्ञात रोगज़नक़ के लिए गढ़ा गया एक शब्द है जो वैश्विक महामारी या महामारी का कारण बन सकता है जो कि COVID​​-19 वायरस से 20 गुना अधिक घातक हो सकता है। फरवरी 2018 में, वैश्विक स्तर पर इसके महत्व पर जोर देते हुए, रोग एक्स को अनुसंधान और विकास के लिए WHO की प्राथमिकता सूची में जोड़ा गया था।रोग एक्स स्वयं अभी तक अस्तित्व में नहीं है, लेकिन यह विचार संभावित भविष्य के health risk का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। कोविड-19 इस बात का उदाहरण है कि कैसे बिना तैयारी के बड़े पैमाने पर बीमारी और मृत्यु हो सकती है।हालाँकि रोग एक्स का समय और उत्पत्ति अनिश्चित बनी हुई है, विशेषज्ञों का कहना है कि यह कोई बात नहीं है, बल्कि यह है कि रोग हाल के प्रकोप बढ़ते जोखिम को दर्शाते हैं, और एक अध्ययन से पता चलता है कि हर साल COVID-19 जैसी महामारी होने की 50 में से 1 संभावना है।एक नई महामारी रोग एक्स या परिवर्तित रोगाणु से हो सकती है, संभवतः चमगादड़ जैसे जानवरों से। रोग एक्स के विवरण को जाने बिना भी वैज्ञानिक टीके और उपचार तैयार करने के लिए मानव रोगों का कारण बनने वाले 25 वायरस परिवारों पर ध्यान केंद्रित करते हैं।Source:-WHO to identify pathogens that could cause future outbreaks and pandemics. (2022, February 6). WHO to identify pathogens that could cause future outbreaks and pandemics. https://www.who.int/news/item/21-11-2022-who-to-identify-pathogens-that-could-cause-future-outbreaks-and-pandemicsDisclaimer:-This information is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment.Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:https://www.instagram.com/medwiki_/?h...https://twitter.com/medwiki_inchttps://www.facebook.com/medwiki.co.in/

Dengue vs Chikungunya symptoms

What preventive measures would you consider taking to reduce the risk of contracting mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue or chikungunya?These follow are:-Causes:Dengue and chikungunya are both contracted through mosquito bites.Common Symptoms:Shared symptoms include high fever, headaches, joint and muscle pain, fatigue, rashes, and nausea.Mosquito Vectors:Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes spread both diseases, with Aedes aegypti more commonly transmitting dengue.Duration of Illness:Chikungunya symptoms typically last 1 to 2 weeks, with prolonged joint pain. Dengue illness lasts 2 to 7 days, but severe cases may require hospitalization and a longer recovery.Long-Term Effects:Chikungunya can result in persistent joint pain, while severe dengue can pose serious risks such as bleeding, organ problems, and shock.Joint Pain Distribution:Chikungunya causes intense joint pain, especially in hands and feet, while dengue may lead to muscle pain, notably in the back of arms and legs.Swelling and Bleeding:Chikungunya may cause joint swelling without bleeding, whereas severe dengue can lead to bleeding from gums, nose, or skin.Diagnosis:A blood test by a doctor is necessary to determine whether it is dengue or chikungunya. It's crucial to inform the doctor about recent travel or mosquito bites.Source:-https://osler-health.com/news/chikungunya-vs-dengue-know-the-differenceDisclaimer:-This information is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment. Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:https://www.instagram.com/medwiki_/?h...https://twitter.com/medwiki_inchttps://www.facebook.com/medwiki.co.in/