

The Benefits of Eating Avocado for Fertility

Are you having trouble conceiving?Don't worry, adding avocado to your diet might be just what you need! Avocado is a superfood that's packed with all the vitamins and minerals you need to boost your fertility. Here are some of the amazing benefits of eating avocado:Did you know that avocado is a great source of healthy fats?These healthy fats are essential for hormone production, which plays a key role in fertility. So, if you want to give your body the nutrients it needs to balance your hormones, avocado is the way to go!Another important nutrient for reproductive health is vitamin E. Luckily, avocado is also packed with this powerful antioxidant. Vitamin E helps protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals, and it also improves sperm motility and quality.Folate is essential for fertility and fetal development, and avocado is a great source of it. This nutrient helps prevent birth defects and improves the chances of conception. So, make sure to add some avocado to your diet if you're trying to conceive!Finally, avocado contains healthy fats that can help boost your libido and enhance sexual function.So, what are you waiting for? Start adding some avocado to your diet today and see the amazing benefits for yourself!Disclaimer:- This information is intended to supplement, not substitute, advice from your healthcare provider or doctor. It does not cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions, or side effects, and may not be appropriate for your specific healthcare needs. Always consult with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider before modifying or discontinuing any prescribed portion of your healthcare plan or treatment, in order to determine the best course of therapy for you. Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:



पीरियड लक्षण

पेट में ऐंठन : गर्भाशय संकुचन के कारण मासिक धर्म से पहले और उसके दौरान पेट के निचले हिस्से में दर्द।ब्रेकआउट्स : हार्मोन परिवर्तन के कारण पीरियड्स से पहले मुँहासे हो सकते हैं, खासकर ठुड्डी पर।कोमल स्तन : हार्मोन स्तनों में सूजन और दर्द महसूस करा सकते हैं।थकान : हार्मोन की बूंदें थकान का कारण बन सकती हैं। कुछ लोगों को असुविधा के कारण सोने में कठिनाई होती है।सूजन : हार्मोन में बदलाव से वॉटर रिटेंशन हो सकता है, जिससे आपको पेट भरा हुआ महसूस होता है।आंत्र संबंधी समस्याएं : हार्मोन आंतों को प्रभावित करते हैं, जिससे दस्त, कब्ज या गैस होती है।सिरदर्द : मासिक धर्म के समय हार्मोन परिवर्तन से माइग्रेन हो सकता है।मनोदशा में बदलाव : हार्मोनल उतार-चढ़ाव के कारण उदासी, चिड़चिड़ापन या चिंता की भावनाएं पैदा हो सकती हैं।पीठ के निचले हिस्से में दर्द : मासिक धर्म की ऐंठन पीठ के निचले हिस्से को भी प्रभावित कर सकती है।नींद में परेशानी : दर्द और मूड में बदलाव जैसे लक्षण नींद को प्रभावित कर सकते हैं। पीरियड्स के दौरान शरीर का तापमान थोड़ा बढ़ जाता है, जिससे संभवतः नींद में खलल पड़ता है।Source:- information is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment. Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at



Breast निपल में दर्द के मुख्य कारण

निपल्स में दर्द होने के क्या कारण हो सकते हैं-1.कपड़ों या खेल से friction के कारण निपल्स में दर्द और चुभन हो सकती है।2.यीस्ट (थ्रश) जैसे infections से निपल्स जल सकते हैं और गुलाबी या परतदार दिख सकते हैं।3.एलर्जी या एक्जिमा के कारण निपल्स में परत या फफोले वाली त्वचा के होने के साथ साथ दर्द भी हो सकता है। लोशन, डिटर्जेंट और कपड़े इसे ट्रिगर कर सकते हैं, जिससे त्वचा लाल और खुजलीदार हो सकती है।4.sexual activity से होने वाला निपल का दर्द आमतौर पर समय के साथ ठीक हो जाता है।5.periods से पहले हार्मोनल परिवर्तन से निपल्स में दर्द हो सकता है, जो periods शुरू होने के बाद कम हो जाता है।6.कैंसर या पैगेट रोग के कारण डिस्चार्ज, खुजली या त्वचा में बदलाव के साथ निपल में दर्द हो सकता है। इस condition में डॉक्टर से check up कराना जरूरी है।7.गर्भावस्था के दौरान, स्तनों में बदलाव के कारण निपल में दर्द हो सकता है - supportive ब्रा पहनने या कूलिंग जैल का उपयोग करने से मदद मिल सकती है।8.स्तनपान में दर्द- खराब लैचिंग, पंप की समस्या या बच्चों के दांत निकलने के कारण हो सकता है। Proper latching और pump adjustment से असुविधा कम हो सकती है।Source:- information is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment.Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:



हार्मोनल असंतुलन और पीसीओडी के लिए सीड साइक्लिंग!

दिन 1-14 (फॉलिक्युलर चरण):इस चरण में, एस्ट्रोजन का स्तर बढ़ता है और विभिन्न हार्मोन जैसे FSH, LH, TSH, और प्रोलैक्टिन के स्तर में भी वृद्धि होती है।एस्ट्रोजन के स्तर को नियंत्रित करने में अलसी, कद्दू के बीज जैसे फाइटोएस्ट्रोजेन वाले बीजों का सेवन किया जाता है। ये बीज लिग्निन और जिंक का स्रोत होते हैं, जो एंड्रोजन को कम करते हैं और मासिक धर्म को नियमित करते हैं।दिन 15 से अगले चक्र तक (ल्यूटीनल चरण):इस चरण में, ल्यूटिनाइजिंग हार्मोन के स्तर में वृद्धि होती है और एस्ट्रोजन के स्तर में कमी आती है।इस दौरान, जिंक और विटामिन ई से भरपूर तिल और सनफ्लावर के बीज का सेवन किया जाता है, जो प्रोजेस्टेरोन के स्तर को नियंत्रित करने में मदद करता है। इससे पीएमएस के लक्षणों और पीरियड्स की पीड़ा में सुधार हो सकता है।Source:-Rasheed, N., Ahmed, A., Nosheen, F., Imran, A., Islam, F., Noreen, R., Chauhan, A., Shah, M. A., & Amer Ali, Y. (2023). Effectiveness of combined seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, flaxseed): As adjacent therapy to treat polycystic ovary syndrome in females. Food science & nutrition, 11(6), 3385–3393. information is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment. Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:



Period Hygiene tips!

These tips are:1. When buying pads or tampons, choose the ones without any added smells. This helps in keeping your skin free from irritation.2. Some people get tummy pain before their period starts. If you're one of them, consider taking a pain pill.3. There are handy apps out there that help you remember when your period will start. Using them can help you be ready and spot any changes.4. It is good to clean yourself down there, but just use water. If you find you're getting infections often, there are special medicines that can help.5. Even when you are on your period, it's important to use protection if you're being close with someone. This keeps you safe from infections and surprise pregnancies.6. Tampons should not be left inside for too long. It is good to change them every 3-4 hours and definitely not keep them in for over 8 hours.7. Having your period can make some people feel bloated or moody. Drinking plenty of water, staying active, and eating healthy can help you feel better during this time.Source:- information is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment. Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:



5 Natural Remedies to Relieve Painful Menstrual Cramps

What are some natural remedies commonly recommended for relieving menstrual cramps?There are several natural remedies that can provide relief from periods cramps.1. Applying heat to your lower abdomen can help to reduce cramping. You can use a heating pad or take a warm bath.2. Exercise: Exercise promotes the release of endorphins, which can help to reduce pain. Try going for a walk or doing some yoga.3. Herbal tea: Certain herbal teas, such as ginger and chamomile, can help to reduce inflammation and ease cramping. Just be sure to avoid teas with caffeine.4. Magnesium: Magnesium can help to relax the muscles in your uterus, which can reduce cramping. You can take magnesium supplements or eat magnesium-rich foods like spinach and almonds.5. Essential oils: Essential oils like lavender and clary sage can help to reduce pain and promote relaxation. Try adding a few drops to a warm bath or using a diffuser.Disclaimer:- This information is intended to supplement, not substitute, advice from your healthcare provider or doctor. It does not cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions, or side effects, and may not be appropriate for your specific healthcare needs. Always consult with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider before modifying or discontinuing any prescribed portion of your healthcare plan or treatment, in order to determine the best course of therapy for you. Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:



How to Clean Your Menstural cup

If you're new to using menstrual cups, cleaning them can seem intimidating. But with a little practice, it's easy to keep your cup clean and hygienic. Here are some tips to help you get started: -Rinse your cup with cold water after removing it. This helps prevent staining and odors.- Wash your cup with mild soap and warm water. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive scrubbers, as these can damage the cup.- Boil your cup for a few minutes between cycles to sterilize it. You can also use a sterilizing solution designed for menstrual cups.- Store your cup in a breathable pouch or container between cycles. Avoid storing it in an airtight container, as this can lead to mold or mildew.By following these simple steps, you can keep your menstrual cup clean and hygienic for years to come. Happy cup cleaning!Disclaimer:- This information is intended to supplement, not substitute, advice from your healthcare provider or doctor. It does not cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions, or side effects, and may not be appropriate for your specific healthcare needs. Always consult with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider before modifying or discontinuing any prescribed portion of your healthcare plan or treatment, in order to determine the best course of therapy for you. Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:



Is Your Menstrual Cycle Irregular?

Experiencing irregular periods can be frustrating and worrisome.You may feel like your body is betraying you. A healthy menstrual cycle typically lasts between 28 and 30 days, but if your cycle is longer than 35 days, it could be a sign of irregularity. And if the interval between two cycles changes constantly or if your periods start earlier or later, they are considered irregular. This condition is also known as oligomenorrhea.Amenorrhea, for example, is the absence of menstrual periods for at least three menstrual cycles. Oligomenorrhea, is a condition where a person experiences periods more than 35 days apart. And menorrhagia is characterized by heavy bleeding that lasts more than a week.So, if your menstrual cycle falls outside of your regular range, you might be experiencing an irregular period. This can include abnormal uterine bleeding such as bleeding or spotting between periods, heavy bleeding during your period, and bleeding after sexual intercourse. Though, there are ways to manage and treat irregular periods.Source:- information is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment.Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:



Period Symptoms!

1. Abdominal cramps: Pain in the lower belly before and during periods due to uterus contractions.2. Breakouts: Hormone changes can cause acne, especially on the chin, before periods.3. Tender breasts: Hormones can make breasts feel swollen and painful.4. Fatigue: Hormone drops can cause tiredness. Some struggle to sleep due to discomfort.5. Bloating: Hormone shifts can cause water retention, making you feel full.6. Bowel issues: Hormones affect the bowels, leading to diarrhea, constipation, or gas.7. Headache: Hormone changes can trigger migraines around period time.8. Mood swings: Hormonal fluctuations can cause feelings of sadness, irritability, or anxiety.9. Lower back pain: Period cramps can also affect the lower back.10. Trouble sleeping: Symptoms like pain and mood swings can affect sleep. Body temperature rises slightly during periods, possibly disrupting sleep.Source:- information is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment.Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:



Acupuncture for Menstrual Irregularities

Do you suffer from menstrual irregularities or pain?Acupuncture might be able to help! Here are five specific acupuncture treatments that can alleviate menstrual cramps, regulate the menstrual cycle, and treat a range of menstrual issues.First up, CV6, also known as the Sea of Energy. This point is located two finger-widths below the belly button and can help regulate menstruation and alleviate cramps.Next is SP6, located on the inner leg above the ankle and known as the Three Yin Intersection. It can help regulate the menstrual cycle and treat a range of menstrual issues, including cramps and irregular periods.Third is KD6, also known as the Shining Sea. This point is located on the inner ankle and can help regulate menstruation and alleviate cramps.Fourth is LR3, located on the top of the foot between the big toe and the second toe and known as the Great Surge. It can help regulate menstruation and treat menstrual pain and discomfort.Finally, PC6 is located on the inner forearm and can help regulate the menstrual cycle and alleviate menstrual pain and discomfort.Give acupuncture a try and see if it can help alleviate your menstrual issues!Disclaimer:- This information is intended to supplement, not substitute, advice from your healthcare provider or doctor. It does not cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions, or side effects, and may not be appropriate for your specific healthcare needs. Always consult with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider before modifying or discontinuing any prescribed portion of your healthcare plan or treatment, in order to determine the best course of therapy for you. Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:



Ease menstrual cramps with Janu Sirsasana.

Yoga for periodsYoga for mensturtionAre you someone who experiences menstrual cramps and is looking for a natural way to ease the discomfort? Janu Sirsasana might be the answer for you! This yoga pose can stretch the muscles of the lower back, hips, and thighs, which can help to increase circulation to the pelvic area and reduce pain and discomfort. Plus, it can also help to calm the mind and reduce stress, which is important since stress can worsen PMS symptoms.To perform this pose:1. Sit on the floor with legs extended.2. Bend right knee, placing foot on left inner thigh.3. Inhale, raise arms above head.4. Exhale, bend forward towards left foot.5. Hold for 5-10 breaths.6. Inhale, lift head and torso.7. Repeat on the other side.Remember to listen to your body and don't push yourself too hard during yoga on your period. If you feel any discomfort, come out of the pose and rest in a comfortable seated position.Disclaimer:- This information is intended to supplement, not substitute, advice from your healthcare provider or doctor. It does not cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions, or side effects, and may not be appropriate for your specific healthcare needs. Always consult with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider before modifying or discontinuing any prescribed portion of your healthcare plan or treatment, in order to determine the best course of therapy for you. Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:



The Surprising Link Between Stress and Uterine Health!

How do you think the awareness of the impact of stress on reproductive health can influence healthcare practices and preventive measures for individuals, particularly in the context of women's well-being?Stress and Health Link:Stress is a common experience linked to various health problems.Hormonal Impact:Chronic stress can lead to overproduction of cortisol, negatively affecting the reproductive system.Reproductive Consequences:Resultant effects include irregular menstrual cycles and potential infertility.Uterine Fibroids Development:Stress has been associated with the development of uterine fibroids.Fibroids can cause issues such as heavy bleeding, pain, and discomfort.Immune System Influence:Stress affects the immune system, increasing the risk of infections and inflammation in the uterus.Pregnancy Risks:Elevated stress levels raise the risk of miscarriage and preterm labor.Importance of Stress Management:Managing stress is crucial for maintaining good uterine health.Promoting Reproductive Health:Simple changes like taking breaks, practicing relaxation techniques, and regular exercise can help reduce stress.Conclusion:Stress surprisingly impacts uterine health.Stress management through healthy habits and relaxation techniques promotes better reproductive health and overall well-being.Disclaimer:- This information is intended to supplement, not substitute, advice from your healthcare provider or doctor. It does not cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions, or side effects, and may not be appropriate for your specific healthcare needs. Always consult with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider before modifying or discontinuing any prescribed portion of your healthcare plan or treatment, in order to determine the best course of therapy for you. Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:



Why do I Have Heavy Vaginal Discharge?

1). Arousal: Sexual arousal increases blood flow to the genitals, causing the blood vessels to enlarge and pushing fluid to the surface of the vaginal walls leading to heavy discharge.2). Ovulation: When ovulation is closer, estrogen levels increase, causing the cervical fluid to become clear and slippery, like raw egg whites.3). Hormonal imbalances: Hormonal imbalances caused by stress, diet, or certain medical conditions such as: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), can lead to increased vaginal discharge.4). Vaginitis: Vaginitis(the inflammation of the vagina), can lead to thick vaginal discharge that may appear white, gray, yellow, or green.Source:- information is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment.Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:…



What Causes of Water like Discharge?

Vaginal discharge keeps your vagina clean and prevents infection. Good bacteria in your vagina produce acidic secretions that fight off bad bacteria and remove dead cells.Discharge can start about six months to a year before a girl gets her period due to hormonal changes. If it's watery, it's usually normal and not an infection.Clear and watery discharge can increase at any time during your menstrual cycle. This increase is caused by a change in the level of a hormone called estrogen, which can stimulate more fluid production.Source:- information is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment.Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:



स्तन कैंसर के खतरे को कम करने के आसान उपाय!

शराब कम पिएं: दिन में केवल एक बार या उससे कम शराब पिएं।स्वस्थ वजन बनाएं: सही खान-पान और व्यायाम से स्वस्थ वजन बनाएं रखें।नियमित व्यायाम: हफ्ते में 150 मिनट तक पैदल चलने जैसा व्यायाम करें।स्तनपान कराएं: यदि संभव हो तो स्तनपान कराएं, जो कैंसर के खतरे को कम कर सकता है।स्वस्थ आहार: फल, सब्जियां और अनाज का सेवन करें, लाल मांस और मिठाइयों को कम करें।सिगरेट न पीएं: धूम्रपान छोड़ें और धूम्रपान करने वाले लोगों से दूर रहें।स्तनों की जांच करें: परिवर्तनों को ध्यान से नोट करें और किसी भी असामान्यता के मामले में डॉक्टर से परामर्श करें।स्क्रीनिंग कराएं: अपने डॉक्टर की सलाह अनुसार मैमोग्राम जैसी जाँच कराएं।Source:- information is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment. Do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on Medwiki.Find us at:



The Right Way to Take Your Birth Control Pills

Are you unsure, how to use birth control pills? If so, this is the complete instruction you need to know.Birth control pills are medications used to prevent pregnancy. It contains synthetic hormones that mimic the effects of naturally occurring hormones in the body, such as estrogen and progesterone. The pill works by preventing ovulation, thickening the cervical mucus to prevent sperm from reaching the egg, and thinning the lining of the uterus to make it less likely for a fertilized egg to implant.How are oral contraceptives typically taken?It is taken orally once a day at the same time each day, typically for 21 days followed by a 7-day break, during which a withdrawal bleed (similar to a period) occurs. There are many different types of birth control pills available. Most common ones are 21 days and 28 Days pill packs.Both 21-pack and 28-pack birth control pills are types of oral contraceptives that contain hormones to prevent ovulation and pregnancy. The main difference between the two is the number of active pills and placebo (inactive) pills in each pack.A 21-pack of birth control pills contains 21 active pills with hormones. You take one active pill every day for 21 days and the next 7 days without the pill. Once you've gone 7 days without taking an active pill, start a fresh pack the next day, whether or not you have your period. See your doctor if you don't receive your period.A 28-pack of birth control pills contains 21 active pills with hormones and 7 placebo pills. However, in a 28-pack, you take an active pill every day for 21 days, and then take a placebo pill each day for the next 7 days. This means that all 28 pills in a pack are taken, but only 21 of them contain active hormones.How do 28-day and 21-day birth control pill packs differ in regulating menstrual cycles?The main advantage of a 28-pack is that it can help regulate your menstrual cycle more effectively since you take a pill every day and don't have a break during the week of menstruation. However, some women prefer a 21-pack because they don't want to take the placebo pills or because they find it easier to remember to start a new pack after a break.It's important to take birth control pills only when prescribed by your doctor and to follow the instructions carefully to ensure effective contraception.Disclaimer : This video is for educational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for any health or medicine related query. Reliance on any information provided by Medwiki is solely at your own risk.Find us at: